Wednesday 1 March 2023

Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence is a type of field that combines computer science and robot datasets together to help with problem solving. The AI is also here to create different systems which can allow there to be different predictions to be made on data. Throughout  the video it discusses all of the potential risks and benefits technology has on our lives. The biggest risk being the lack of privacy there is.

One key concept we discussed a lot in class was privacy, how there is little to no privacy online. The biggest key risk with AI and technology was the lack of privacy there is using technology. Many people know from a day to day basis someone's activity and their information. This really goes back to the  theme of lack of privacy we have. Many times things could be controlled by other people because of the limited privacy we have but no one would know. 

 Differently, one of the biggest key benefits was the fact that AI allowed more people to learn how to use machines. This allowed people to think more and become more familiar and comfortable with problem solving skills.

Many people before using AI consider all of the risks and benefits before doing anything. They think about whether their information should have a chance to be “not so private anymore” and if using AI will be beneficial for them. There are now many new creations in 2023 that are created by the AI. One of my favorite ones being the Tesla. A self-driving car that allows you to do nothing while driving. This shows how technology is always advancing and making new things. 

All in all, I have learned a lot more information about technology and how it has shaped society today. Also how it is always growing and becoming better although there are always some potential risks. 

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