Thursday 16 February 2023

Reaction to EOTO

After listening to the EOTO presentations I learned a lot about everyday technology. One piece of technology that's history stuck out to me in particular was Netflix. In 1977 Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in California . Back in 1977 Netflix was way different than what it is now. Netflix users would have to order movies off of a website and then receive DVDs of the film in the mail, and would have to send back the disk once they were done watching. This is so shocking to me because Netflix has evolved so much from this. Each movie rental was four dollars and a two dollar postal charge since the film was shipped. In 2007 was the time when Netflix allowed subscribers to be able to stream shows or movies from their own internet devices as well as DVDs. Once Netflix realized all the success that was reached once they let people stream different movies and shows from their own internet they were no longer mailing disks to people. Netflix is something that many people use and watch all of their different shows and movies on. Many people in today's society depend on Netflix to watch all of their favorite shows and movies. After hearing about how Netflix used to send people DVDs and you would have to pay per movie or show rather than a package it was just so shocking to see Netflix evolve so much.

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