Tuesday 21 February 2023

Anti War

After being in class and discussing all the factors of anti-war I never noticed how much people would voice their opinions on this subject. There are many websites and platforms that have made me enhance my learning on anti-war aside from what we discussed in class. The two websites are ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative. Both of these websites gave me a better understanding on what anti war really was and different examples of it. 

After reading the article Whatever Happened to the Antiwar Left  I learned how so many people actually did use their voices and stood up for what they believed in. It was February 15th when millions of people stormed the streets of eight hundred different cities to oppose the US led invasion of Iraq. Many people didn't agree with this and their choices. Although this was in the past there are still many different marches for people to stand up for what they believe and to use their voice. Many people don't hear about different situations going on in the world, another important one being stated in the article The Old Normal. This was about a church staying open during the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. Many people thought everything in the world should be shut down yet this church was known to be the most successful and still is because of it staying open. You never heard this on CNN or Fox because of how much the news preached we were in a world wide lock down. 

Many times we don't hear of information like this. Websites like the two I looked at, ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative aren't ones people typically look at, yet they give us so much information and stories about different people using their voices and stating all the differences in their world. Sometimes by studying websites like these ones you are allowed to learn more and be able to voice your own opinions on situations you didn't even know were happening in the world.

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