Thursday 16 February 2023


 One piece of technology that has evolved over many years that is very important is the telephone. The telephone was created in 1876 designed by Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander Graham Bell was not the only person who had the idea to design the telephone Elisha Grey was also someone who applied to invent the telephone. Bell's patent was the only one who went through in moving forward with inventing the telephone by the supreme court. Not only was Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Grey the only ones who had the idea to create the telephone, Antonio Meucci invented something very similar to the telephone in 1849, it was the talking telegraph. 

Alexander Graham Bell designed the telephone in a centennial exhibit in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. This was where all of his ideas were in place and he was able to put together all of his ideas. Bell's purpose for creating the telephone was because when he moved to America he became a teacher to deaf students. He wanted to do something to help those who were deaf be able to communicate better. Another motive for his creation of the telephone was because his mom and wife were both also deaf.  Alexander Graham Bell thought communicating electronically could be a great way for people to be able to communicate from longer distances. This would be the first time back in the 1800s people were able to communicate with one another from longer distances. 

Getting the telephone technology to work so well obviously caused some problems for him.  He heard the sound on the wire everytime he would try to use the telephone. After lots of work he ended up figuring out how to fix this and added a simple current through the sound waves. Alexander Graham Bell was so determined of his creation and wanted to see it come alive. 

The telephone has changed society so much today. Telephones are still used each and everyday which is so beneficial. First before telephones people would have to write and mail letters or go to someone to talk. Now communication is so enhanced  because of telephones and the fact that you are able to call people from such a distance. Telephones have also allowed there to be many more job offers for people as well as bringing more business to the society. Without telephones people wouldn't be able to get a hold of businesses or others while in a workplace. Today everyone is always using a telephone because of how beneficial it is. Telephones have also been enhanced so far ever since Bell’s invention. News is also spread faster because of telephones which allows people to be more aware of what is going on in the world. Many people practice the concept of communication more efficiently because of telephones being made. If it weren't for telephones many people wouldnt be able to have all the benefits that they do today. All in all telephones are the reason people are able to keep in touch today so sufficiently and why so many people are so successful with their jobs.

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