Thursday 16 February 2023

8 Values Free Expression

 The Eight Values of free Expression: 

  1. Marketplace of ideas 

  2. Participation in Self Government 

  3. Stable Change 

  4. Individual  self fulfilment 

  5. Check on governmental power 

  6. Promote tolerance 

  7. Promote innovation 

  8. Protect dissent 

    The eight values of freedom are very important and essential in everyday life. Each day we live by all of these eight values that are very important to us. There are two of the eight values that stick out to me and apply to my life the most everyday. These are Stable change and individual self fulfillment . 

    First Stable change is very important. Each and everyday everyone's life is changing. People change everyday, some people are afraid of change , but change is such a normal thing. Stable change is also very important since it  could impact you as a person very positively. People in life should not be afraid to speak their mind. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be able to try and make a change in the world. If people continued to remain quiet and not speak their mind or share their ideas the world would remain the same and there wouldn't be much to look forward to or changes to be made to improve our society. People being able to state what's on their mind will also help the government. The government will then be able to see what people are saying and keep them out of danger or be able to protect them from more dangerous events that may occur in the world. Benedict Spinoza claims that his philosophy allows people to be more aware of Freedom of speech and allows them to speak their mind to improve change in the society. This is very essential since people's lives are always changing and they should be able to dictate changes in their own life. 

    The second value that is important today is individual self fulfilment. In today's generation it is hard for people to express themselves and who they really are. Since technology is so important in today's society it is hard for people to be a certain way behind their phone screen, so they come off as being someone they're not when technology isn't present. This is a shame that technology is so essential in today's life since people depend on social media and technology to dictate the type of person they really are. Many people use social media as a place to say things that can sometimes be very hurtful towards another person, and something that someone wouldn't say face to face. This goes back to social media and technology taking away a person's actual identity and who they actually are.
    C Edwin Baker preaches the first amendment and states that people should be entitled to their own opinions that could protect one's human identities and who they really are. Social media cancels out the whole idea of self fulfilment because behind your screen isn't truly yourself and who you are. Self fulfilment is very important especially today since social media is taking up so much of everyone's everyday lives which allows people to not stay true to who they really are. 

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