Thursday 12 January 2023

My 5 News Sources and Information

 1. News App- I continuously use the News app that comes with the I phone to check on many different updates about what is going on in the world. There are constant notifications that pop up on your phone so you can always see what is going on. Once I see a news notification pop up I always have the sudden urge to click on it and to read more about what is going on in the world. It has taught me many new things and kept me up to date learning about what is going on around me and in the world. 

2. Instagram- Instagram is known as a very popular social media platform in this generation. I personally tend to get a lot of different news updates throughout this app. There are many different accounts for different news channels that I follow to help keep me up to date. Sometimes I don't have the time to sit down and watch the news, hence why instagram helps me figure out what is going on in the world because there are many short clips of the news that allow me to watch and get a better understanding of what is going on in the world and keeping me up to date.

3. Facebook- Another social media platform that has helped me learn about the news is Facebook. There are many times I am scrolling on Facebook and I see many posts from news channels posting different important news updates that I am eager to read about. Also many adults tend to use Facebook which therefore allows them to repost different news posts which I also see on my feed when searching. This is a great way to keep me up to date since there are so many different people reposting the news as well as news channels posting on their social media accounts. 

4. Fox News-  The Fox News Channel has always been a news channel I tend to watch. I like watching the news on this channel because they always give so much information about whats going on in the world and make  you aware of  about many different events going on in the world. This allows you to have more of an understanding of whats going on in the world as well as hearing many different people speak on their beliefs and different current events going on. 
5. Youtube- Lastly, YouTube is a great quick and easy source to catch up on a lot of information about current events. On YouTube there is basically videos of most things that occur on a day to day basis since anyone can upload them. I like learning about different things going on I the world from YouTube since it is so easy to type in direct names of current events and have multiple different videos and many different opinions of different people behind each video. 

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