Wednesday 1 March 2023

Diffusion of Innovation

Diffusion of Innovation is a way to see a theory and how new ideas and technology spread and grow bigger. Back in 1962 Everett Williams who was a professor of commmuniation studies showcased his big theory through writing a book all on this subject. Roger claims that this idea was able to be spread and processed easier by innovation being communicated so well over time.  Innovation is very important since it allows technology to become more advanced and for new inventions to become higher and more popular to all. 

Rogers states that there are five key elements to this idea. Innovation, adopters, communication channels, time, and social systems. This means that all of these fve concepts are the reasons that technology can be so enhanced. Without these five factors new forms of technology wouldnt be able to move forward and reach the success they have reached. 

Going back to our first EOTO we were told to research a form of technology and see the growth it has made. Many of these presentations have surprised me and made me learn so many new facts about different forms of technology and how they advanced so heavily throughout the years. For example, I researched the telephone, I learned how there was once a talking telegraph that once advanced to a telephone and once they learned how communication was so successful because of this and how it was so beneficial for people to communicate through long distance they were able to enhance the telephone and make smartphones which have also evolved so much through the years. 

Many people became and wanted to be an early adopter. The reason benign for this was because they wanted to be able to be an early part of this product or source of technology. Be a part of this from the beginning. There are different levels of innovators, early adopter, early majority, late majority, and laggards. 

Although technology has made life to be the life it is now and so much easier so people claim there are many downsides of technology. The biggest one being privacy. When using technology nothing remains private and so many people can see your every move. Whether you think you deleted something or not, people  can still see your “deleted” post. People tend to worry about what they say via social media or post, since once you post that thought or idea it is out in the public forever. Some people arent on social media for this exact reason. Many people dont want all their information to be posted and dont need people knowing their every move. THey would rather communicate face to face. 

Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence is a type of field that combines computer science and robot datasets together to help with problem solving. The AI is also here to create different systems which can allow there to be different predictions to be made on data. Throughout  the video it discusses all of the potential risks and benefits technology has on our lives. The biggest risk being the lack of privacy there is.

One key concept we discussed a lot in class was privacy, how there is little to no privacy online. The biggest key risk with AI and technology was the lack of privacy there is using technology. Many people know from a day to day basis someone's activity and their information. This really goes back to the  theme of lack of privacy we have. Many times things could be controlled by other people because of the limited privacy we have but no one would know. 

 Differently, one of the biggest key benefits was the fact that AI allowed more people to learn how to use machines. This allowed people to think more and become more familiar and comfortable with problem solving skills.

Many people before using AI consider all of the risks and benefits before doing anything. They think about whether their information should have a chance to be “not so private anymore” and if using AI will be beneficial for them. There are now many new creations in 2023 that are created by the AI. One of my favorite ones being the Tesla. A self-driving car that allows you to do nothing while driving. This shows how technology is always advancing and making new things. 

All in all, I have learned a lot more information about technology and how it has shaped society today. Also how it is always growing and becoming better although there are always some potential risks. 

Final Blog Post

 In the year of 2023, technology has become very essential to our lives. Everything nowadays is updated to be via technology. You hear peopl...