Tuesday 28 February 2023

EOTO #2 Operation MockingBird

 Our second EOTO my group had, the overall theme was Awareness. I was able to get a better understanding of the concept of Operation MockingBird. After researching Operation MockingBird I was able to get a better understanding of False information and this specific method of false information. 

Frank Wiser was someone who was very involved with the concept of false information. He was the director of the Office of Special Projects which then became the Office of Policy Coordination. This allowed him to be able to also be involved with False information and be a big part of false information. He was a very big part of Operation MockingBird and allowed people to get a better understanding of what was actually going on in the world and all the different false information and types of false information there was. Frank Wiser was told to create an organizations  focused on “propaganda, economic warfare,  preventive direct action, including sabotage”. This was a line that he preached and allowed people to get a better understanding of what false information was and how it would help the community. 

Operation MockingBird is a program to influence the domestic American Media. Many different important communication sources have used Operation MockingBird before. Operation MockingBird had major influences over twenty five newspaper and wire agencies. It  was also able to be  a  covert US government operation run by the CIA to implant pro US propaganda in American Media and front organizations. This allows people to be able to broadcast their ideas by using propaganda but yet again using the false information method of Operation MockingBird. 

Operation MockingBird was very important during this time period. It was launched during the cold war and collected high intelligence amongst very different people. By working  with high journalists and institutions around the world affecting the public opinion due to being able to manipulate news media. After they saw how much Operation MockingBird influenced the American media it also expanded on to influence the foreign media. Journalists who were apart of Operation Mockingbird 
were reportedly through blackmail and threatened into doing this network. Many different documents during this time were shown but none of them were classified as Operation MockingBird. This allowed people to think that there was no sighting of false news in any other category that could be considered Operation MockingBird. 

All in all, Operation MockingBid was a way that was able to make the American news something it wasn't. There was always so much confusion in the world when different news sources and information was shown. This was a way for people to think something was going on when it really wasn't and was a way for people to gather incorrect information. Many news sources were changing from all of these different false information concepts and were blackmailing people to join their organizations and be free of this false idea. By the end of researching it was evident that the goal of Operation MockingBird was to manipulate domestic American News sources 

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